Monday, February 27, 2017

whenever i get to the computer i space on everything that has happened this week...
WE BIKED only for a day...but WE BIKED and we loved it. we will be doing it more this week if the weather allows it. the worlds best forecaster (my mom) says it should be good. we were so tired but it was amazing. 

we went to do service at the Palacios. i forgot my clothes so i borrowed Vane's and we got a picture of me looking like Vane.
President Thomas got every companionship a jar of pickles and i FINALLY got it open.
had exchanges and i ate a huge pizza all by myself.
dad!! i made biscuits yesterday for hna b for breakfast! they werent as good as yours but i did it!
we found these large fruits on a tree and asked the person that owns them what they are (white grapefruits) and she said we could take some!! she said if we take the peels and put them in hot water (te) its good for de-stress. somethin i  need
we got a picure with papi and mami! i love them so much.
i made chocolate abuelita!!! mexican hot chocolate. dang good.
oh ya and the Palacio's dog: princess had her babies!! i guessed 5 and she have 5 babies!! mom and puppies are doing good:)

i hope everyone has a great week! i love you all!
love, hermana kiara harker;)
we found some pretty flowers. 
i made cinnamon roll biscuits!
i ate this by myself
me and vane
February 20, 2017
dang dont have much time. 

next fhe everyone write a letter to each member of your family telling them how much you love them. youll thank me later.

um ive been talking in my sleep the past couple nights. i know because hna b every morning asks if i had a dream and i sometimes did and she said because i was talking... BUT i did say something in spanish one night!!! and i think i had my first dream in spanish last night! it was only because i was talking to a member in my dream: hermana valdivia. shes a sweet old lady that i love so much. she calls me her guerita:)

hermana b knows how to ride a bike. now we just need to practice riding on sidewalks and not swerving into oncoming traffic. but shes good fun.

ummm this was a hard week kinda. just hormones i think. but i should be better this week. 

Heavenly Father answers prayers in the uniquest ways but He always does. i love you guys so much! have a great week!

oh ya i almost forgot, cali had one of the worst storms in over 6 years the other day! so after weekly planning, we got a text from our ZL's from President Thomas saying to stay in our homes all day. and so the members we were supposed to eat with brought the food to us! i love them.

love, hermana kiara harker:)

fruit. i love fruit.
popcorn popping on the apricot tree
baptism. vane and angela and little jacob i think is his name
my dinner date during the storm

Monday, February 13, 2017

here we go.

my beloved friends and family. i had a week this week. 
update on Ramon: he is awesome. absolutely killing it. still lacking a job but he is stronger than ever. his countenance has changed 360 degrees. He just has the light of the spirit. hes awesome. it was so cute because the other day we had two dinners in a row and then we went to the restaurant where he was working for food that night, and after we were talking he asked us if we wanted some soup he made. we said no thank you that we were fine. but he ended up giving us two big bowls of food for us to take home and a pile of corn tortillas to take home. you cant reject these people. and even when you do, they still will give you food. they dont take no for an answer. but i freaking love these people. 

my favorite food so far is posole, horchata, frijoles, tortillas (plain too), and this chile verde covered chicken that hna palacios makes with chips, i just love all this food. i will need to get recipes so that when i come home i can educate my family on mexican food other than fajitas and taco soup. which i love and miss, mom:)

we have been trying to walk as much as possible. just because all of this food and all of the sitting down all the time. its not good for our morale. we are going to try biking hopefully. we will be teaching hna b today. shes scared she is going to fall off the bike and die, but i will keep assuring her that she wont.

ive just really loved reading the scriptures lately. i understand what they are saying and i love reading the stories. they are 
awesome. its amazing how they had such strong faith in Jesus Christ 600 years before He came to the earth. and that He was forgiving them of their sins before, during, and now after His life. I dont know how people feel not knowing that, and not having that peace in their life. that is why i am out here to try and help people to know and understand and apply the gospel in their lives so that the gospel can BE their lives.

something my mom shared with me today, that even though the world is crazy right now (from all ive heard) we still need to be positive. I know that we have to smile even when we are not happy. i also learned from now released Elder McClullen that if we smile enough when we arent happy, that we will eventually be happy. smiling is a pain killer and so is laughing. IT IS! we just need to fake it till we make it.

i love and appreciate you all so much. you guys are the best!

love, your missionary, hermana kiara harker:)

ramon went out teaching with us but we didnt teach

who lives in a pineapple under the sea? bob esponja! 
    (the tree just looked like a pina)

Monday, February 6, 2017

very little time left. the clock is ticking aaaahhhhhh!!!
okay. Ramon got baptized. i still cannot believe it. he is so awesome. i love him he's so cute haha. turns out he's only 43, but he seems so much older. his poor pet bird Camila died the day before his baptism and he almost canceled it all. Camila was with him for 11 years. he almost got kicked out of his house. she went though everything with him. good and bad. she was like his daughter. it was so sad. we had her funeral right before his baptism. it was so sad to see everything he's gone through but it was so amazing to see him stay firm in his decisions and to remember that he will see Camila again. that was the biggest thing that's happened this week. i'm super proud of him.
also this week i have realized that the gospel is the only thing in the universe that can make us truly happy. that everything is temporal. but the gospel is eternal happiness. i know i have said before that "i have never been so happy" at certain points in my life. i'm sorry to say, but i was lying! unintentionally. i'm sorry. but i have realized that it was only temporal things that were making me what i thought was "happy". but i know now being surrounded by spiritual beauty that i am truly happy right now. and in gospel principles yesterday we were talking about the creation of the world. and how the animals and plants all have a purpose because their purpose is to make us happy and enjoy life. just my thoughts this week. i know that we can only be truly and really happy when we are surrounded with the gospel. only the gospel can bring us true joy.
i love you all so much. i am so happy you are all a part of my life. let me know if you want to stop receiving my emails. you will be dead to me. jokes. i still will love you. just a little less. JOKES. okay i love you bye.
hermana kiara harker.

RAMON!!! Baptized!!!
leo (a member) and my new sombrero for my birthday!
minecraft hat. love you bubby max! (ft. elder dressman)

hermana balcazar and i and Camila R.I.P (Q.U.E.P.D.)

Kiara's 20th Birthday Weekend!

thank you so much for all the birthday wishes. 
20 year old kiara says thank you so much:)
this week has been so awesome! our investigator Ramon is getting baptized on saturday!!! aaaaaahhhh!!!!! i cannot believe it!!!!! we have only been teaching him for a couple weeks, but he is ready. he is ready like a bull in a cage on rodeo night. we are so excited. i cant wait. we will send pictures next week.
i was nervous because i thought he was getting baptized for the wrong reasons, but after some spiritual experiences, i know that he is ready and that this is what he needs. i am so grateful because we have been working so hard and trying to be obedient and now we are blessed with a prepared investigator. i can really tell the difference between our investigators of who is ready and who is not. its a great feeling. we are so excited. i have been dying to tell more people!!! aaaaaahhh!!!!!
so birthday weekend. the past three days, i have gotten a cake every day. imma be fat. i have been surprised, i have had my face pushed softly into cake, hermana b made me pancakes on my birthday morning. just a great time. made it into my top 5 birthdays. just sad my family and other friends couldnt be there. but i have my mission friends and family here taking care of me. and we have left overs for dayzzz. so much food. not enough time to eat. only so much room in our fridge.
transfer calls were this weekend as well. im staying in oceanside another transfer! im actually super happy because there still so much i want to do! so by next transfer i will be here for almost 6 months. and i love it. i dont want to leave hah. never left hah. 
but im super happy to be here. but super sad because we have 2 of our district family that is leaving to return home. their time is up. they are fully cooked in the oven. (there is vane)
those were my favorite parts of this week:) i hope you all are safe and have a great week!
love, Hermana Kiara Harker:)<3

Kiara and Vane

Kiara's Zone