Thursday, April 27, 2017

I was sick this week so it was full of exchanges. this week number wise was all zeros but missionary work and success doesn't get measured by numbers. oh well.

because of being sick means that nothing really happened.

so heres my testimony of the priesthood:

thus being sick i received a blessing. and may i just say that i am so grateful for worthy men and they are able to bless me according to my faith. i am so grateful for being raised in a home where my dad was able to use his priesthood every year to bless us at the beginning of school. i am so excited for the things to come in my life. i love my mission. i love my comp. i love my area and the people around me. i love the priesthood. and i am so happy to be here. i love you all so much. youre the best. that's right im talking to you.

i love you all and hope that youre week is wonderful!

love, Hermana kiara harker

Monday, April 17, 2017

well, shoot.  here we are at 8 months!

i cannot believe ive been out for 8 months. where has the time gone?

i suck at taking pictures. that will be a goal for this week. its already been a transfer. training Hermana osburn is half way done. that's weird too.

Feliz dia de pasqua! easter was amazing. the elders taught a lesson about the Atonement and why we don't adore the cross and everything. it was really powerful. i love the gospel.

we had a primary program about missionary work. this picture is of the kids racing on packing suitcases. i was told i looked like little house on the prarie, anne of green gables, and the wizard of oz. are there anymore opinions? the skirt was a hand me down from another missionary. it was a little small and i had to upzip it a lil. beauty is pain.

i completed a 3 week sugar fast. not for health but to practice self control. i succeeded. and as a bonus i feel healthy:) i had a donut and a muffin for breakfast today and i feel like crap. ill be starting another fast tomorrow.

but i know we are so blessed to have this sweet gospel in our lives. we are blessed as members. we had a lesson with a less active of 2 years. they know they need to go to church. they said they would. and guess what. they didn't. disappointment. but over it. that's the only way to go at type of things. its just sad that they know and wont do anything about it. we are so blessed. God gives us so much and so now we must give too. there isn't a lot we can do to repay what Christ has done for us and what He continues to do. that's a reason i have found on my mission of why i am still here. gives me more purpose. motivating. its like my morning cup of coffee that we don't drink. because that's against the word of wisdom. but im super happy for everything that i have and will have. im happy and appreciate everything ive gone through. there are regrets but im glad ive had them because they have shaped me into the person that i am today. they are the only things that have made me who i am and what i am. eternally grateful for my challenges and difficulties. eternally grateful for my friends and family that i love with all my heart. you guys are the real MVP. i love you all.

i pray and hope you all have a wonderful week thinking about how much God and Christ love and care for you. they are always watching and holding out Their hands to you. you just need to take them.

harker out with love.

love, Hermana kiara harker:)

i matched with the roses on our bike ride. lovin it.

April 10, 2017

crazy week!

made an investigator cry the other day. the spirit made an investigator cry. this guy is tricky. he always says: "no voy a cambiar!" (i'm not going to change). he's catholic but very inactive. he was pressured by JWs a bunch. we aren't pushing him we are just talking and teaching him. and he said the last prayer the other day and i asked how he felt and thought and he said "muy bonita" (very beautiful) and then he cried. but he's a good one.

also we had a lesson with a guy that didn't believe in Jesus, just God. but after the Plan of Salvation and praying about it, he believes in Jesus Christ. God is good. His hand is in all things. I love that.

we had awesome lessons with an investigator and then with a less active family. both said they were going to go to church. but neither came to church. and it was fast Sunday.

dead rat on the steps. cactus in hna adams leg.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

lots happened.

i love general conference.

we picked up 5 new investigators. we don't struggle with finding. we struggle with getting them to church.

we met this one guy named Edgar. he said he doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. that was a first for me. never heard that before. but we taught him the plan of salvation and we made him doubt his doubts...hehehe. muahahahaha

everything is ay okay.

didn't realize really how much administrative work goes into missionary work. because we keep forgetting to fill out papers and records. theres so much to do but yet not enough time to do it!

its crazy how personal general conference is. how we receive inspiration and revelation for our individual lives and circumstances. yet it is so broad. i love it!

we almost got attacked by a possum the other day!!! so we share a car with the other hermanas and so they dropped us off at an appointment and then our appointment fell through. but the hermanas were like 30 minutes away. so we start walking! its dark so i got my pepper spray and my mini flashlight both in hand. we walk and are talking and are having a great time. then my companion freaks out a little and i think she squeals "oh my gosh theres a man!" i look over to the fence expecting a man to be hopping the fence ready to pounce on us. but no the figure is smaller. a cat? no its a little bigger! it was a possum!! but it scadadles away along the fence. we slowly start walking. the comp suggests running to the next traffic light. i say we should walk slowly so i can pepper spray if he attacks. then my light flashes his eyes and we see the green eyes staring back at us. we get into the bike lane and start hauling. and now we are here to tell the tale. i kinda wish he would have bitten me so it would have made the story so much more intense. but its okay. just saves me from getting a rabies shot!

that was the highlight of my week i think:)

i love you all!

gosh i still don't know how to get my pictures on here!! i apologize otra vez. i try when i come back in a few hours.

love you!!!