Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Not your average Thanksgiving...

but it was a dang good one! 

we set debra on date! Dec 11 here we come! hallelujah! she is amazing and i love her so much. 

last year we had 3 dinners. thank goodness we only had 2 this year. we had a pretty traditional one with a white family: turkey gravy, blessed homemade rolls, green bean casserole, taters, etc. but then right after we went to a columbian home. they speak perfect english though. and their older daughter is dating a british pro chef guy. and so he made us 12 different dishes! we had lamb, duck, fish, scalloped taters, brussle sprouts, fancy carrots and more. it was crazy. and then we had a gramcracker gingerbread house making comp and it turned into a frosting fight between two sisters. it was so great. oh yea and the british guy fed us caviar on a silver spoon! i spit it out after a while. it was like a spoon full of soft sand right out of the ocean. so salty. 

then we started caroling with all the sisters in the zone: 19 in total. we baked a bunch of cookies and then went to some less actives, actives that needed some extra love, and our investigators debra and rob. it was so successful! we even got our members to drive the sisters around with us bc yanno, limited miles. the less active invited us back for dinner, debra cried, the active cried. it was just a splended night. 


oh yea and i had sister robinson chop my hair off

love you so much! byyyyyyeeeeee!


hair before 
and after
me this morning. rob wrapped me like a mummy. check out my crocs.

Monday, November 20, 2017

November 13, 2017

Short Email

so many things happened. 
leadership responsibilities are hard and time consuming but we love it.
we love our moms. they supplied our new pajamas. 
sunsets lately are unreal. i love them. i love clouds. probably because my head is up there so often. hah!
we have hit under 100 days until things get craaaazy back in Draper UT when i go home...please follow the Prophet's councel and be up to date on food storage. 

Quotes from President Thomas:
Only on Christ's triumphant shoulders can we ride to celestial glory--if we will but choose through our faithfulness to do so.
--Jeffrey R. Holland

For the fruit of the gospel to blossom and bless our lives, we must be firmly attached to Him, the Savior of us all.
--Jeffrey R. Holland

We must not become weary of doing good, and we must not become impatient; the changes we seek will come... in their time.
--Kathleen H. Hughes

May we be anxiously engaged in gathering in His sheep who have gone astray, so they can be safe in the fold.
--Ned B. Roueche

Hermana Harker

The Radford's

Thanksgiving Week

Elder Wakolo from the 70 came and spent 2 days with our mission this week! it was so cool! he's from fiji!

our investigator Debra called us the other day and asked when we were each going home because she wants us both to be here when she GETS BAPTIZED!!! we havent even set a date yet! we are thinking the 9th of December! she is so solid. we love her so much. her british husband will not be too far behind. we are so pumped. 

rob and i are staying together!!!!! another six weeks!! and then she goes home!!! and then another 6 weeks!!! and then i go home!!! yes. its true. better believe it.

yesterday we were either in the car, or in a church building. we were sitting down all freaking day. first we went to our church meeting with debra and her husband rob. then we drove to our members house and they drove us to Del Mar to go to church with our investigator Hunter that soon will be baptized as well. and then driving back to vc going 80 mph (our member bc tiwi wont let us). and then we drove again to bobier in vista to go to the face to face. driving. sitting. all. day. long. but i love being a missionary more than anything. 

also i made it into Helman in the Book of Mormon. i will finish before Christmas!

well i love you all so much. i know the church is true. i know that our Savior Jesus Christ lives. and i am so thankful for all your prayers and support. 

happy turkey day this week!

beware of the meat sweats!

love, Hermana Kiara Harker

p.s. if you would like to enjoy a Christmas card from Sister Robinson and I, please reply back with your home address:)

Hermana Kiara Harker
California Carlsbad Mission

posterity picture!!! my trainer "mom", and my two "daughters"!!! hermana osburn is training (so im a grandma) but she went home for something.

we often dont have enough time to do laundry on p days...so at 9ish i sometimes have to wash my clothes by hand...
weekly planning and sis rob drew faces on my toes

Monday, November 6, 2017

Holy chicken I love the church.


Tuesday: Halloween "party" with the sisters. we got all crafty and painted and ate goodies and had a great time. sister rob and I looked so great in our costumes. we had so much fun. we realized both during the day we forgot to put deodorant on. too busy.

Wednesday: Went to dinner. they had just killed their pet chicken an hour before we got there because it was annoying them, and so we ate it for dinner. it was really hard to do that. im thinking about going vegetarian when I get home...meat has scared me on my mission. I was eating the chicken leg and it was really rough meat and it was either the Achilles tendon, or the knee cap that snapped off the bone and then slapped me in the face...I almost lost everything I ate that day. I stayed strong and spit the knee cap or tendon into my napkin. you could say I was full pretty fast. Sister rob ate the rib cage.

Friday: we went up Palomar Mountain again. I love that place. we ate dinner with a less active family and taught their non member daughter. she is so close to getting baptized. they just live on the freaking mountain and cant come to church very easily. I love them.

Saturday: we had a lesson with Debra and Rob with the Tanners. I love them all. Rob went to the temple open house and brought us back the pamphlets, AND burned us a CD of the pictures Rob took and gave us each one. I love them.

Sunday: was the best day of them all!!! Debra and Rob came to church!!! and then they stayed for class and learned about family history. they love it. they will be coming back!! oh yea AND THEY PAID TITHING!! WHAT??  and then we were invited to sit in primary and share what we do to serve and how people serve us. and it was so cute because a lot of them recognize that we have come to their house and they freaking love us! and THEN we got invited to teach nursery about Joseph Smith and they sang songs for us!  HUNTER WENT TO CHURCH AND BORE HIS TESTIMONY in another ward because it was closer to his work. We had a bomb lesson with Eric, we are still teaching with the YSA elders. AND THE CLOUDS YESTERDAY WERE SO FREAKING COOL!!!

ALSO I THINK I FOUND OUT WHAT MY FAVORITE COLOR IS!! ive gone through this identity crisis and I haven't had a favorite color in years. but just the other night I opened up some glow sticks my mom sent us and I gave half to rob. I noticed she had a really pretty color. it was a red/magenta one. it was so cool. I dropped the ones I had and asked if I could have hers. she gave it to me and I slept with it in my hand that night. guys, it was such a cool color. I kept it in my bag with me the next day. I like red. then I carved a small pumpkin and put "RED" engraven into it. I like the color red.

ok im done. thanks. bye!


love, Hermana kiara harker

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Happy Halloween!!!

syd will be 21 tomorroww....ooooooollllddddddd

today started off going to ihop and eating pumpkin pancakes. gotta be festive. 

tis the season

too many things happened this week:
-my mom hates my crocs
-we picked pumpkins
-had 3 exchanges
-went up to the Mountain! Palomar mountain. i want to live there... we had to bring socks and crocs to help feed pigs and walk around a la's farm. so a pic is down of our outfits. no shame.
-i finished reading all of PMG and now i can focus on the LdM
-my parents met sister Rob's parents and my WML brother Tanner
-got a bunch more Persimmons
-We taught Debra and Rob. Rob (fingers crossed) went to the Meridian Temple open house. Debra wants us to come over on a regular basis...yay!!!!!!!!
-The church is true and i know that God loves me 
-i love Halloween . im sure it might be my favorite. we are in the library and there was a wee parade of kids with their costumes walking through just for us (bc we are the only ones in here...) walking to graveyard smash. "oh Darla, oh Christmas!"
-my rc Ramon from oceanside sent me this huge duffle bag of stuff he bought be! 3 pairs of shoes, hats, a scarf, a watch, coloring books, socks, candy corn footballs, and so much more. it has been amazing to see the change from when we first found him, fast forward almost a year and here he is! so successful an happy. i love him.

today on the agenda is an all day P day! ive got my halloween gettup, glue on nails for my costume today (pictures attached next week), we are gonna get crafty with the sisters and have some spooky good fun, carve a gigantic pumpkin, and play some wiffle ball and volley ball, with some donuts on strings, and zombie nerf war? maybe? theres no rest here. 

be safe out there! we will be in a safe church bc halloween gets crazy out here i guess. 


love hermana kiara harker
