Wednesday, October 25, 2017

No group email this week:(

We are super busy today and i cant write a weekly email.

Sometimes it hits 50-60 degrees and im freezing. i might get hypothermia when i come home. i have to put socks and a cardigan and turn on the heater to be comfortable.! its nutz! 

Pday will be Tuesday next week bc Halloween. we have been planning something for our sisters for halloween and im super excited to tell you about it and send you pictures. its going to be so fun. you would be so proud. 

Please enjoy these pictures for now. 

our zone
a selfie

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

4 more months to go!

14 months ago today i left for Mexico. 14 months ago yesterday i was set apart as the Lord's missionary. I was just thinking about that this morning. i tend to think about that every "anniversary" i come across. I think about the time and who and where i was before my mission and when i got set apart. and holy mole i am so glad it is in the past. And i have loved the company of the Holy Ghost so strong every day of my mission. That and the Book of Mormon have helped me through everything. I have been having many experiences like Ammon in the book of Alma, where "i cannot express the least amount of what im feeling". those inexpressible feelings have been with me since the beginning of last week. 

Last monday we had a lesson with our gator Hunter. we set him on date for baptism for the 4th of November. he has such a huge and great team of members cheering him on and supporting him through all of it. We are literally just there (for now) to teach the lessons. and we are barely doing that at all! the old ward mission leader in the ward knows him and has been teaching him more than we have! its great!

And then Manuel got baptized just the day after! and let me tell you, filling the font was probably one of the most spiritual feelings ive ever had. back in February when Ramon got baptized, the ward mission leader or the elders filled the font for us. But this last Tuesday was just amazing. Such a spirit filled service. and it was so sweet! our bishop that doesnt speak a lick of spanish gave him a welcome by having someone translate his talk into spanish. so great. 

picked up a solid potential that came to the baptism as well. things are poppin here!

then right after, we had a meeting with our new Zone leaders and we introduced the idea of the Cleanse. Its the thing  weve been doing for a few weeks now of straight MoTab, clean apartment, clean car, clean language, clean thoughts etc. And we have been seeing sooooo many miracles. and they accepted it and now its our zone theme. now the zone is seeing many miracles. BEING A MISSIONARY IS AWESOME!!!

 then last thing is the Christmas initiative!! its coming so soon! missionaries near you are preparing for it already! we have a specialized training meeting this tuesday that Sister Robinson and i are leading and its going to be so choice. we are so pumped for this. we are pumped practically all the time. i love her. 

this is a long email. so many good things are happening. 


i ate a passion fruit. it was weird.
i may or may not have peed my pants laughing...
a craft my mom sent me. we mimicked the faces...
filling the font​

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

gee dang!! this week, especially this weekend was one of the most stressful time of the mission so far!

MANUEL IS GETTING BAPTIZED TOMORROW!!!!!!! holy biscuits and gravy. we were supposed to have our last lesson and interview with him on saturday but he had to work later and wasnt able to come! we were panicking!! we called him and talked to him for 20 minutes and just got to talk to him and get to know him more and that gave us more reassurance for where we are at right now. yesterday before church, manuel met with someone in the bishopric, we filled out his baptism record, and taught him his last lesson. all under an hour. after church he left and told us he would let us know when we could come over. but he never called nor texted us! he ignored our texts and calls. we were stressing and praying like crazy. it is so difficult to deal with people that use their agency different that what you need to happen. eventually we had the interview! he passed! baptism is tomorrow at 7!! yay!!!! we are so pumped!!! so many prayers are being answered!!

yesterday was cananda's thanksgiving! go canada!

Sister Robinson and i will be staying together another 6 weeks!! yay!!! we are so pumped and happy. we love each other. 

for the first time in my life, i decided to share my testimony on my own free will yesterday for fast sunday. in past areas they have asked the leaving missionaries to share your testimony with the ward. but no one asked me to. the spirit told me to and i did it. i was shaking so bad. i was more comfortable to do it simply in spanish. thats strange. im more comfortable speaking in spanish...huh. but i did it in spanish so that the members of the spanish group could understand and know that i was talking directly to them. it was hard. its easier talking to people face to face than in front of all them at once. 

the mission is still changing me and i love it. you guys are all amazing and important to your loving Father in Heaven. have a great week!! and do as my family does and read the Book of Mormon every. day. 


Hermana Kiara Harker

Monday, October 2, 2017

So many things...

so much has happened. so little time to explain. heart so full yet words non existent. 

back2back exchanges with our lovely sisters. had to deal with some Christlike confrontations. corrections were made. tears were shed. lives being changed.  

we are trying to do and be better so we are doing a cleanse. both temporarily and spiritually. already seeing the fruits and miracles. 

MLC missionary leadership council.  love it. that morning we got a call from a former in spanish. she wanted us to come back over to her house and teach her and her 10 yr old daughter. juana y josefa are their names. her dad passed away and she didnt want the missionaries to come over anymore. so when we went over, we taught the plan of salvation. we also did a soft baptismal invitation. they are on the road to salvation!

Manuel is still working towards his baptism for next tuesday!!! we set up his interview and last few lessons. we are so excited. this gospel is so great. God is good. 

we also were able to finally meet up with our investigator and her 2 less active sons. we read 1 nefi 4 with them, but it was so late we invited them to finish it on their own. it was tricky bc she only understands spanish but her kids cant understand and read in spanish. we will have to have 2 lessons at one time next time. 

General Conference!! got to hear what Heavenly Father needs me to do. i love these times of the year. last one on  the mission...

met with paige another gator. she is great. she already practically knows its true. she was going to the church before we began teaching.

MIRACLE!!! we got a member referral text DURING conference!! we called the ref: Debra and Rob and they had found a BoM in their house and started reading it. loved it so much Debra bought one for her husband! they read it and found conference online and watched ALL THE SESSIONS!!!! we have a meeting with them scheduled for tuesday.

I know that i am truly involved in God's work. I see His hands in all things. 


love you all!! and so does your Father in Heaven!!!

sister during (exchanges)
hermana wilhelmsen (exchanges) goats behind our house.

sister rob in her mermaid tail for conf
nature pic in the car with rc camden