Monday, May 8, 2017


I think of so much things to talk about during the week. and then I see the timer of seconds counting down on this library computer! I get stage fright! so much nerves! alsdkfnaoifn

okay so this has been my hardest time on my mission. hardest area. hardest time. things don't work out. things build up. things get tricky. emotional. stressful. slow. impatient. ahhh!! but you know what makes up all the difference? personal study. that one hour before anything happens in the day is seriously the best thing ever. I appreciate the scriptures so much more that I ever have. they make me so happy. they bring me so much peace. they really change you. no wonder why the book of Mormon is the keystone to our religion. it is crucial to everyone's testimony! both the bible and the book of Mormon together contain the fullness of the gospel. but you cant just depend and read the bible. you NEEEEED  the book of Mormon. and if its true, then everything else follows. it is the most constant and most correct book ever. maybe someone says something offensive in the church? the book of Mormon is still true. hasn't changed. something Hermana whilhelmsen says when we are having a hard day or complaining about something: the church is true and the sun is shining! so true. even though its been stormy the past two days, the sun is still shining we just couldn't see it. that's a testimony builder.

back in elementary school we had a book of mormathon where we read the whole book of Mormon in three days. and I used to say that I had read the whole book of Mormon because of that. but now reading it now and the furthest ive ever gotten, I am learning so much! I am taking so much out of it and it has helped me so much with everything. I know that the book of Mormon was written for our time. it applies to everything.

just let that marinate.

this week was a hard week. but something happened that made everything better. and it was so simple. its the simple things in life, yanno? so we had a training follow up meeting. Hermana osburn is almost done being trained! we only have a few more weeks. then we will be off to the Mormon battalion. that's crazy. but we were driving back to san marcos from vista. we were stopped at a red light and there was one of the sign guys and he had his headphones in just dancing. and so we wave to him because mama taught me good. and he waves and starts dancing at us. and so we start dancing back! we danced in the car without talking to him for a good 4 minutes. it was a blast. he was laughing and we were all laughing.

we had a training where we want to leave people on a good note after talking or interacting with them. now he knows that missionaries are awesome, and maybe he will talk to them one day and have that good first impression from us! you never know!

besides all the downs in life, there are always so much more ups. we focus on the downs because they might be more noticeable. but we are always blessed with ups. always look for the good things in life. they could be simple and small, but those are the things that will change your life. I love you guys! sorry this is so long! but I don't really care! hehe! just kidding, but im wishing and praying for you! have a great week!

love, Hermana kiara harker:) much love. 

we did chalking
Hermana osburn got her tiwi so she can drive and I can ride passenger and pick the songs!!!
I got sunburned on the part of my hand I didn't rub in sunscreen very well. you can see my finger prints on my hand...
jenga at noche de hogar. we related it to the restoration
water fight in the parking lot one night. I won.
waiting to use the bathroom after the water fight

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