Monday, September 25, 2017

What do you call a dog w/o legs?  It doesn't matter what you call it...  It still won't come!


wowzers this week was great and this next one is going to be crazy.  weve got back to back exchanges starting tonight and it will be my first time leading out our nervous but super excited. im going to drive the truck around vc. yea baby!;)

last monday was awesome! we organized a sister's lunch and totally had a blast! we bought a red and white checked picnic cloth and a basket with our sack lunches and juice boxes. it was a success. only 4 sisters couldnt make it:( and then we did a 3 legged race with our comps and it was so funny and so much fun! we laughed the entire time! i got some footage. we were exhausted by the end of it from running and laughing the whole time. and then we went to a member's house and watched ephriams rescue. we cried a lot. such a good movie. 

manuel is still on date for baptism!! we are planning on the 10th or the saturday before!!

kinda got bashed by our member's husband at our dinner message. 

had zone conf! we realized that that was my last one before i give my dying testimony in january. because in november we arent bc we are having a visit from a general authority. december is christmas when we have our devotional as a mission. january i give my testimony at zone conf. february im in a plane. that was weird...

we did car checks at a zone conf and i saw my daughter hermana osburn! she's killin it!

went to temecula and i got a re-alignment at a chiropractor. that was weird but i survived it!  i was scared i might die. 

i boiled eggs for an egg salad. eggs were from a member. i peeled them and my last one i noticed the insides were dark. i thought: rotten egg. ilooked more and it had veins! after further inspection, we discovered it was a chicken fetus that i had just boiled!!! we felt sick all day. we put it in vinegar to preserve it. named him jimmy. ended up doing weekly planning outside bc we couldnt focus. then later we went to buy a cookie at at deli to clear our minds of chicken fetus. and at the deli we found our cute investigator Paige with her volleyball team there! shes so cute! we got her numba!

we played football this morning and it was so much fun! im still learning, but it was fun. im out of shape. but im still happy! 

so excited for general conf. i dont know how to spell the whole word for conf...

The Book of Mormon is true. I know my Savior lives. i see miracles happen every day. I love my Redeemer. I love the feeling i get when i put my fears to the side and just serve and talk to God's children. its a feeling i thrive on. i love finding out who i am and who i can become. i know that being truly happy only comes though the Savior and His gospel. He changes people. He changed me. through His eternal love and atoning sacrifice! i love you all so much. i encourage all to look deep inside yourselves and turn to the Savior. He won't let you down. you won't be disappointed in what happens. Give yourself to Him. Only good things come out of it. i know it because its happened and is happening to me. 

Love, Hermana Kiara Harker 


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