Thursday, October 13, 2016

hello! sorry yesterday (Monday) was a holiday and we have to proselyte  on holidays. so today is our p-day! this week has been so all over the place. the other day we forgot to plan and so we did a lot of driving around not really knowing what to do. but then yesterday we planned and we had great success. just shows how important planning is! 

we had a sister's conference with all the sisters in the entire mission and that was awesome! i learned so much about myself and my self worth and the love God has for me. how we don't need to be perfect, we need to try our best and to be complete. fully developed in the Gospel. not free from error. because that's impossible. Everyone is fighting a battle, and we are all getting credit for trying. Everything makes the difference. with us being sister missionaries,  we put a lot of unneeded stress on ourselves and we have problems with comparing ourselves. that is why they had a special sister's conference! i learned that being happy is a commandment, never actually knew that. and we need to ask  what Heavenly Father wants us to do. especially as missionaries. but that can help you just in regular life. (random thoughts from my notes: ) when we have a vision of what we can become, it motivates us and makes us strive for that vision and work toward it. we have to find joy in the journey. what can i learn from this experience? what can i change? excellence is being willing to fail. that was really cool. don't leave before the miracle. let Him bless us. when you believe in yourself, you believe in miracles. pain has to be heard to move forward. underneath weaknesses is what you want. when you cant find what you want, talk it out. when you find what you want, you have to live it. it teaches you. you teach yourself. when you have something to say, have the other person "hold space". no judgments. no comments. just hold space. just like how Christ does for us. don't try to fix anything. just listen. hold space. but also be conscious of your intention in talking things out. express the pain to get to the want. 

i gained a lot of appreciation for my mom this week. we spent almost everyday helping this less active, move. she had so much crap mom. like nothing compared to what i have. i learned the importance of de-junking and weekly chores. so much scrubbing. but we made it look like it was a brand new house. it was awesome. and we still aren't done i think. oh well. 

one of the many miracles this week: we were trying to figure out who to visit. we have the one family that has a baptismal date that we haven't talked to for a while because of unavailability. their dog also barked and chased us a couple days before an bit hna mendez...anyway we were in front of this part member families house and thought about visiting the other family because we were thinking they were dodging us, so if we went by earlier then maybe we would have a chance to talk to them. so i said a prayer out loud with hna mendez asking what God wanted us to do and who needed us that night. after the prayer we sat there and the names of the other family popped into my head and after hna mendez said the same thing. its amazing how the spirit works. i love it. it helps me so much during the day. 

we contacted a group of cholos ( gang members, mom ) and they gave us the wrong house address. we had some elders come with us so we could hand them over to them because we were scared of them. but they gave us the wrong address. oh well.. 

i spent a lot of time thinking and talking about friends and family this week with hna mendez, made me miss you all. but i know that i love you more than i miss you. i love you guys. i hope you are having a great week, and continue to have a great week. i pray for all of you. and i love you all so much! 

(mom-i left my camera in Mexico but my companion grabbed it and is sending it to me...sorry no pictures again. ill ask hna mendez if she has any i can send)

i love  you!
-Kiara (hna Harker) :)<3 

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