Monday, March 27, 2017

time is still flying. still loving my mission. good times outweigh the bad ones.  I brought my journal this time to help me remember what has happened. not very many pictures...sorry!

we biked for like 3 hours the other day because the hermanas needed the car. we died a little bit. my body felt sick. but its awesome pushing yourself to the max. of everything.

got a new investigator named Luz she is awesome. super solid we are going to teach her how to read! its going to be great. stay tuned.

weve been working with this less active family and I love how the hermano talks. whenever I ask him something or in any response he always says "Hermana" at the end. Its awesome. "si Hermana". its awesome.

we also went to go contact a referral yesterday. an elder visited them a year ago and sent it to the hermanas but they forgot about it. so we went and the house is completely abandoned. there was a bunch of newly built houses and then like 4 super sketchy ones at the end of the road. the people were said to be meth guys but there was jack squat in those houses. just a bunch of weeds and empty wires. kinda like the Grinch when he stole Christmas. oh yea and then there was a rusty machete sitting there out in the open on top of a garbage can! I wanted to take a picture with it but I I only have the memories.

well I hope everyone is well. I love you all with all my heart! bye!

harker out:)

im sorry I don't know how to put pictures on here. 
ill have to double up next week. I apologize. 

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