Wednesday, April 5, 2017

lots happened.

i love general conference.

we picked up 5 new investigators. we don't struggle with finding. we struggle with getting them to church.

we met this one guy named Edgar. he said he doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. that was a first for me. never heard that before. but we taught him the plan of salvation and we made him doubt his doubts...hehehe. muahahahaha

everything is ay okay.

didn't realize really how much administrative work goes into missionary work. because we keep forgetting to fill out papers and records. theres so much to do but yet not enough time to do it!

its crazy how personal general conference is. how we receive inspiration and revelation for our individual lives and circumstances. yet it is so broad. i love it!

we almost got attacked by a possum the other day!!! so we share a car with the other hermanas and so they dropped us off at an appointment and then our appointment fell through. but the hermanas were like 30 minutes away. so we start walking! its dark so i got my pepper spray and my mini flashlight both in hand. we walk and are talking and are having a great time. then my companion freaks out a little and i think she squeals "oh my gosh theres a man!" i look over to the fence expecting a man to be hopping the fence ready to pounce on us. but no the figure is smaller. a cat? no its a little bigger! it was a possum!! but it scadadles away along the fence. we slowly start walking. the comp suggests running to the next traffic light. i say we should walk slowly so i can pepper spray if he attacks. then my light flashes his eyes and we see the green eyes staring back at us. we get into the bike lane and start hauling. and now we are here to tell the tale. i kinda wish he would have bitten me so it would have made the story so much more intense. but its okay. just saves me from getting a rabies shot!

that was the highlight of my week i think:)

i love you all!

gosh i still don't know how to get my pictures on here!! i apologize otra vez. i try when i come back in a few hours.

love you!!!

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