Friday, September 2, 2016

Kiara's 2nd Email!

hello my favorite people in the world! im going to say that i would like to hear from my siblings if they really love me. i miss you guys and i want to have a letter from each of you starting this week. please. and thank you. 

so last pday we were able to go to the temple. it was so beautiful. it looks like a mayan temple its so crazy! it was so different because it was all in spanish but they had little recorder things that had the english version. and i had to have help becuase i dont know what to say in spanish. but it was a beautiful experience. and we get to go again!

our district leader left yesterday and that has been pretty hard on our district. but that is why we are going to the temple again. usually people only get to go twice while here at the mtc but The Lord knew that we were going to need to go again so that is why they put us on the schedule this week again.

every morning and pretty much everytime i have a meal i have toast with peanutbutter on it. but these toasters here are a fire waiting to happen. toast always gets stuck in the belt and my companion and i have set toast on fire multiple times. Theres a fire/smoke every day.

we got two new "investigators" this week. they are really just our teachers. but we got one to commit to baptism on the second lesson! we are killing it! hermana whitney and i got coaching from our teacher and she said that she has loved our lessons and we are doing really well with teaching the person, not the lesson. we do really well teaching with the Spirit. im loving it. 

so hermana whitney and i have been asking people here about any funny jokes and i would like to extend that invitation to my home. if you have any good jokes, please share them with me. we need them to get through the day. 

i got my package from my sweet mom. i loved it and i shared them with my district. mom, id love some healthy snacks please:) i was so surprised and happy. because the day before an elder got a package and i was saying that i wish my family loved me and thought about me sometime too! and the next day! i get a box of donuts! yay! i loved them! mom i did not get your letter yet i dont think. 

on sunday, for our video we watched The Testaments. it was awesome. it definately reminded me of my purpose. it was spectacular. At the end of the video is said "Christ has come, and He will come again" and our president went up and said it again and he said that that is why we are here. we are the instruments to bring people back. i loved it.

we also got the opprotunity to sing in the choir this week. it was the efy or seminary song that seriously fills the room with the Spirit. everytime we sang it i got chills and/or might have cried. and what was even more powerful was that it was in SPANISH. i love it it was so beautiful. 

this was a summary of high points of this week. the days are long but the weeks are short. its going by so fast! we have been here for 3 tuesdays. only 4 more to go!

please send encouragement and love and keep me and my district in your prayers. 

Families can be together forever! and i freaking love my family!!!

JOKE: ¿que hace un pez?


look it up in the spanish dictionary. its hilarious!!

LOOOOOOOOVE with todo mi corazon,
Hermana (im still kiara) Harker
much love. 

p.s. sorry no pictures this week yet. if forgot my sorry...

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