Saturday, September 10, 2016

Week 3

okay lots of little things happened this week. i guess. it was actually really challenging but nothing compared to how it is going to be next week. my stories are not in order. just so you know.

to start off, mom im sorry. because i did the biggest burp in the bathroom this week. and it echoed. my companion is so cool that she gave me a high five and she too was burping with me. just so you know, my first burps were definitely weak, but as i kept going, it only made them stronger. im sorry mom. i haven't changed. 

another story in the bathroom. in the stalls mosquitos fly around and every time im in there i have to check if the coast is clear so i dont get more mosquito bites on my butt. one time there was a mosquito and i flicked it and its guts came out but he was still squirming and stuff! what? im like, dude im sorry you cant get away. 1. your guts are outside of your body, and 2. your guts are making you stick to the stall. this experience freaked me out so bad that i went into another stall and had hna. Whitney kill it and dispose of the body. 

to get through the week, hna. Whitney and i ask people for jokes and we have been collecting jokes. we got to a point where there were so many to remember we started to write them down. this week i bought a flippy note book, pocket sized, and have been copying jokes. its a good time. 

also, on Sunday, hna. Whitney and i taught a lesson in relief society. there are only 8 sisters in our zone, so only 6 were listening while the other two (us) were teaching. we were teaching on the Atonement, and i was able to share matt´s story. i love the Atonement. 

this week, hna. Alonso our teacher for the afternoon, told us to look up in preach my gospel Christ like attributes and study it and work on it for my mission. i chose humility. and in addition to that, we had a discussion during book of Mormon study about desires. how God knows our desires and if we put our faith in Him and work really hard for Him, that he will bless us with our desires. this sounds easy but is actually very difficult for me. because in order to do that, i have to "forget home". but i dont think of it that way. i cant forget, i just have to limit the times i think about it. which is very difficult for me because i love to think about my friends and family and my home, but it does make it easier to focus sometimes. it just makes me sad. 

also this morning sucked. just so you know. i woke up at 2 with terrible stomach cramps. i went in the bathroom and had diarrheas since Easters. i took some "stop pooping medicine". i was barely able to sleep. and then when our alarm went off at 6 i felt like crap. hna. Whitney continued to get ready and i just laid in bed. i ended up throwing up. it actually made me feel a lot better but i still felt crappy. i barley got ready thats why i look not very good in my photos. i ended up getting a blessing from the elders in my district. the priesthood is amazing. and the enfermaria wasnt open yet so we went to recepcion and they called the doctor and gave me more "stop pooping" medicine. i got cramps whenever i walked. when the enfermaria opened, we walked over and i got checked out by the doctor, he said it was indigestion. he gave me some pills and i got some red Gatorade and im feeling a lot better. faith and the priesthood and "stop pooping" medicine works!!

mom- when is hunter coming here? on what date?
mom- please send more quinoa straws. they were gone in two days. not just me. i shared just like you told me to. they were so delicious. 

that´s kinda it. every day is the same so it is hard to look for things that happen that are different. but this week i have pictures"!!!

keep praying and reading your scriptures. especially the Book of Mormon. it can help you in all aspects of your life. I have a testimony about that.

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