Tuesday, September 20, 2016

One Month Down!

hello hello!
today is exactly my first month down! if we are counting by the date, then it is one month. but if you're counting by the weeks then it was around last week is one month. loving my companion. whoop whoop! raise the roof! I'm loving my companion, she is awesome! she helps me everyday. this week has been super difficult for me, and my companion has helped me throughout it all and I'm oh so thankful for her and all of her help and support she gives me. love you hermana Whitney. 

last p-day was our first without going to the temple, and we just played sports all day. volleyball for hours. I'm getting good. talon, you would be proud of me. we play it almost everyday with the district next door to our class and it is good fun. poor little hermana balls gets burned everyday. even with sunscreen. her poor little red nose, shes a trooper. 

mother you sent me veggie straws not quinoa straws! i still share with my district and zone and i love the snacks and appreciate them super much. 

this past Tuesday was pizza night from Costco like always, and it was actually pretty good. we got it pretty early so it wasn't old and the cheese was still warm! and i actually ate it! but it did make me kinda sick, because my meals usually consist of salad, fruit and a piece of toast with peanut butter on it. good times. and I'm not sick anymore! yay!

we had a devotional broadcast with Quentin L. Cook from Provo this past Tuesday and it was awesome. lots of apostles. 

we got dropped by one of our "investigators" yesterday. and it was really confusing because one day she had a really strong testimony and then now she doesn't want to continue anymore. it was really hard and discouraging on us. but this wont get us down for long! having problems with our district, they are just a bunch of high schoolers. oh well. 

I've been drinking so much water lately. and my companion does too so we are constantly going to the bathroom. my pee is so clear its amazing. 

last Sunday in remembrance of 9/11 hermana whitney and i matched. i wore my red and white stripped dress with a blue cardigan and she wore a blue and white stripped dress and a red cardigan. it was good fun. but no pictures. sorry. also, the hermanas in my zone had a feeling that i was going to speak on Sunday, and so did i, but i didn't. i think they are saving me for our last Sunday...or this Sunday...i hope not...also our branch president spoke to us: president suaste and it felt like he was directly talking to me. he helped me a lot. its amazing what the spirit can do. 

my espaƱol is getting better. its a progress. like everything here. its a progress and there is always room for improvement. 

mom! i found some microwaves near the Tall labs. Hunter will understand when he gets here. there are microwaves. i saw them. 

we have been having problems with worldly songs this week. it is so hard trying not to sing them. because i just want to sing rap city chick. but that is super inappropriate here and as a missionary. always repenting. i also started reading Jesus the Christ. it is an awesome book. i encourage all to read it. 

i was so excited to write and have pday today that i barely slept last night. i was tossing and turning with pure excitement. it makes me so happy to talk to my loved ones. i love you guys and im so happy you are all in my life and supporting me. I'm constantly talking about you all and telling stories. i love you all so much and you are always in my prayers. thank you for everything you all have done for me. you are all blessings in my life.

i love you! with all my heart! 
love, hermana (im still Kiara) harker:)<3 

p.s. my next pday will be wednesday because i will be getting ready to leave! so in only 5 days away instead of 7! yay! youll be hearing from me real soon! i leave here at like 2 in the morning in two tuesdays!!!!

p.p.s. i love you!:)

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