Friday, January 5, 2018


new year
new comp
new harker
new everything

said "see ya later" to my comp rob yesterday. but ill see her in 6 weeks haha

i had a trial that turned into strengthening my testimony...funny how that works. so this past saturday we had to wake up at 5am and do service over in fallbrook where all the fires were at. we helped a lady that lost her childhood home and her trailer she was living in. there was nothing left but the frame and the tires. and barely that. fires are scary. after that we did transfer book signing, which is like year book signing for missionaries. after that we didnt have time to shower the soot off and so we borrowed clothes and went out to dinner with some sisters and got out just in time to carol one last time with the sisters. super busy day and the whole time i was super anxious and paranoid! i was flipping my lid and stressed! i hated it! i came to realize that i was that way because i wasn't able to have my personal study that morning nor at all that whole day! it was the worst! 

the next day we went to see our converts debra and rob. and debra is always so stressed maybe just because of the holidays and her aunt betty passing away. but she just goes on about bad feelings and having too much to deal with. and at that moment i was able to relate and testify to her about my experience from saturday and how my day and who i am completely changes when i am not able to have that one on one focus on Heavenly Father and to take the time to get out of this crazy world and focus on Christ and Heavenly Father. i think it really registered to her! 

but you guys, i reflected back on my life before the mission and my lack of reading the scriptures, and for those of you who knew me before i was always a stressed, worried, and nervous wreck! if you didnt see that side of me, lucky you. but i know that i was that way because i was too focused on the stupid world and i didnt ever take a break to just read from the word of God! i know that reading the Book of Mormon truly effects every aspect of my life. i have experienced the fulfillment of promised blessings from our living prophet on reading the Book of Mormon daily. guys, its true i tell you! if you dont believe me, go test it for yourself. go pick up the Book of Mormon and just read! IT WORKS!!! 

i love the Book of Mormon.
i love my Savior. 
I know that HE lives and that the Book of Mormon is TRUE!!!

Love, hermana kiara harker


-introducing my new comp: hermana thomas!!
-me and our tree
-happy new years!
-typical Rob

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