Monday, December 12, 2016

I apologize for the space I have had for my weekly emails. I have been going through some things and I was not able to write. This week has been awesome though. I am very happy about it. 

We had a Zone Training Meeting. Just training the zone. And we were trained on how to better our prayers. It was so freaking amazing. I felt like my prayers were already good and personal but this training made it even better. What we did is talked about the importance of prayer and everything. Then we went to the training. We applied it and practiced. They told us to have a personal prayer and to ask Heavenly Father what HE thinks about ourselves. It was so humbling and beautiful. But then we had to introduce ourselves to our companions as Heavenly Father would introduce us. Seeing yourself through Heavenly Father's eyes. It was insane and it makes me so excited to pray every day. I love prayer. I encourage all do try it out.

We found a less active named Luz. She has four kids. Two of them are baptism aged...;) hehehe!  We have been teaching them for two weeks now and they are so solid. Firme. Luz has been a less active for 14 years but she has gone to church the past two weeks. She cried last week because she was thinking about how she felt before she left the church. It was such a beautiful experience. 

I FINISHED MY TRAINING!!!  I am no longer a greenie. Kinda. I am no longer a trainee. To graduate from training we went to the Mormon Battalion in San Diego. Which was so awesome. I loved it but I have been so used to driving. I rode for the first time in 4 months as a passenger and I got car sick. I wanted to die. But as soon as I got outside I was fine. I'm such a pansy. 

A potential investigator we have is a border line atheist. Its super hard because he has a Christian background but not he says that he can't say there is a God and he can't say there isn't. He likes facts and debating. Its frustrating. We spent quite a long time trying to teach him and give him facts and talking about faith but he was so frustrating and started talking about history. And so I have been studying the Bible a lot and studying for him so I can smack him in the face with true doctrine. He will feel the spirit I know it. This is really testing me and helping me grow my testimony. He is trying to break me down but he is only making me stronger. We will see who wins. God always does. Muahahaha!

I have been so cultured. Gracias to my two fluent Latina companions. I learned two children songs in Spanish. They go like this (clears throat):
Song numero uno:

un elefante se columpiaba
sobre la tele de un arana
como veia que resistia
fueron a llamar un otro elefante

Song numero dos:

arroz con leche me quiero casar
con un senorito de san nicolaus
que sepa tejer, que sepa bordar
que sepa abriri la puerta para ir a jugar
con este si, con este no
con este senorito me caso yo

I love you all so much. I know all of you have impacted my life so much and I appreciate you and your example to me so much. Now enjoy some pictures.

Me and Peruvian hot cocoa.

This is Elder Wockenfuss and he is leaving tomorrow omg!! We call him Grandpa Wockenfuss. 
Just a freaking sunset here in Oceanside. Driving on Seagaze. 

I made ham and eggs for breakfast from left over Thanksgiving ham from bishop. 
Me and hot cocoa.
Our zone!

Hermana Balcazar and I riding home from the Mormon Batallion.

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