Monday, August 7, 2017

they don't think i know a butt load of crap about the gospel but i do!

i love my mom. stay tuned for the pictures.
we went to glow zone last week for p day. pretty fun. 

2 new investigators and they BOTH came to church yesterday! holaa!!!!!

i have gained a new appreciation and understanding about fasting. yesterday i didnt even think about eating or drinking anything. i was helping our investigator's kids during the sacrament.  and i thought about my mom's quiet book she would whip out when we started getting out of hand. i really have been thinking about bringing a church bag and bringing it for the kids so they can calm down. i love these people. 

oh yea last night we got bashed. this guy was talking about the bible and how he got baptized. he told us that our baptisms were bad and incorrect. he offered to give us his number to help us find the truth...ummmmm and he also said that we need to find a church that teaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ...ummmmm THATS WHAT IM FREAKING DOING GUY! so we had parked kinda far away to have a walk and so it was nice walking back with my comp and just talking through everything that just happened. talk it out and then move on. 

my personal studies have just been crazy this week. there was another lady this week and she told us that God, Christ and the Holy Ghost are like water. its the same but in different forms. She compared God to ice. Christ to water. and the Holy Ghost to mist. but then she came back the next week and corrected herself and contradicted her words. but im happy that these experiences keep happening because it has helped me to study the bible to understand it more and it has strengthened my testimony about the Godhead and its awesome. 

i love the scriptures. the bible, Book of Mormon, D&C. all of it. they help me so much to understand and truly KNOW my Savior and how the spirit works. I love the feeling i get whenever i read the sacred scriptures. i encourage all corners of the world to read the Word of God. as a representative of Jesus Christ, i can promise you and i echo the promise of Joseph Smith that you will draw nearer to God as you read from the pages of the Book of Mormon. within it's pages you will find answers to life's questions, direction, comfort, and you will enjoy every chapter. i know because i experience it every day. go make some time to read. it will be amazing.

i love you all!!

Hermana Kiara Harker

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